Lion Landscapes - Wildlife Ranger Challenge 2022

Lion Landscapes is taking part in the Wildlife Ranger Challenge to raise awareness of the role of the Lion Rangers who are working to protect conservancies & ranches across the Laikipia ecosystem in Kenya.

Laikipia Lion Rangers - Kenya

Amount Raised:

Target: $5,000
4 Donations

My story

Rangers are Africa’s unsung heroes. They don’t just fight poaching - they are conservationists, teachers, community support workers, leaders and much more.

The Wildlife Ranger Challenge, organised by Tusk and culminating on 17th September, celebrates their many roles, and is raising much-needed funds to support their work.

The Lion Rangers across Laikipia work in partnership with Lion Landscapes to: collect data on wildlife and livestock movements; mitigate human-carnivore conflict through monitoring and protecting lions and other wildlife; advise livestock owners on effective predator-proof livestock husbandry; work with communities to stop the use of poisonous pesticides to kill wildlife. 

Since 2020, WRC has enabled Lion Landscapes to increase the number of Lion Rangers trained and supported, and the number of ranches and conservancies we partner with. We provide training as well as salary and equipment support - which has been particularly important through the Covid-19 downturn in tourism. The WRC has allowed us to play a key role in facilitating consistent landscape-scale management of human-carnivore conflict.

In 2022 / 23, we aim to expand the number of rangers and conservancy partners we work with and broaden the Lion Ranger training to all ranger teams. This will ensure better response to lion movements, help to prevent livestock predation and poisoning events -saving the lives of multiple lions, spotted hyena, jackal and vultures - and support communities to coexist with lions and other large carnivores.

Give today, and the Scheinberg Relief Fund will match every dollar donated, amplifying your impact. Follow campaign updates on social media with #ForWildlifeRangers

Push-up Challenge

Sep 6, 2022, 12:55:55 PM

Huge Congratulations to the Laikipia Lion Ranger teams from Borana Conservancy, Mpala, Mugie Conservancy, Ol Maisor Ranch, Karisia Walking Safaris (Tumaren Ranch) and Loisaba Conservancy who completed the first mini-challenge last week. Watch them in action here and copy this link to get the final results

Wildlife Tracking

Aug 30, 2022, 12:30:30 PM

Long-term research in Laikipia, Kenya has shown us that conflict between lions and people can be effectively managed by monitoring lion movements through collaring and other methods and giving livestock owners access to real-time lion movement data. This allows livestock owners to be proactive and keep their livestock away from lions, or increase their protection of livestock when close to lions. The Laikipia Lion Rangers patrol approximately 200,000Ha of land which is home to Kenya's third largest lion population and are constantly tracking the wildlife. These patrols help to protect community livelihoods for those sharing the landscape with wild lions.⁠ By monitoring lion movements closely, the Lion Rangers pre-empt any human-carnivore conflict by warning livestock owners of the lions' whereabouts and shadowing lions when they move into areas with a high risk of conflict. Image credit: Anthony Ochieng/TonyWild in collaboration with the Wildlife Ranger Challenge and supported by Natural State, the Game Rangers Association of Africa and the Scheinberg Relief Fund to raise the profile of Africa's rangers and showcase their important and diverse role in conservation.

Wildlife Tracking

Supporting communities

Aug 23, 2022, 8:46:01 AM

Large carnivores impose significant costs on local people, mainly through attacks on livestock which are vital economic and cultural assets. The majority of carnivore attacks occur due to poorly-constructed livestock enclosures, which communities living alongside wildlife often lack the economic capacity or skills to improve. At Lion Landscapes, through the Lion Ranger Programme, we partner with ten conservancies and ranches across Laikipia to train and support their rangers to advise surrounding communities on the presence of wildlife and help them to prevent human-carnivore conflict using locally relevant best-practice methods to protect their livestock from carnivores through good husbandry. In addition, through the Community Coexistence Training in partnership with The Peregrine Fund, we work with local livestock owners directly to build their capacity to prevent livestock depredation. Image credit: Anthony Ochieng/TonyWild in collaboration with the Wildlife Ranger Challenge and supported by Natural State, the Game Rangers Association of Africa and the Scheinberg Relief Fund to raise the profile of Africa's rangers and showcase their important and diverse role in conservation.

Supporting communities

Lion Landscapes

Jul 15, 2022, 2:16:28 PM

Lion Landscapes' mission is to make large carnivore conservation valuable to local and global communities. Our vision is a world where people and wildlife thrive within healthy connected landscapes. The Lion Ranger programme currently trains and supports rangers in ten conservancies and ranches across Laikipia. These are; Borana Conservancy, Mpala, Mugie Conservancy, Ol Maisor Ranch, Sosian Ranch, Suyian Ranch, El Karama Conservancy, Lewa Conservancy, Karisia Walking Safaris and Loisaba Conservancy. Image credit: Anthony Ochieng/TonyWild in collaboration with the Wildlife Ranger Challenge and supported by Natural State, the Game Rangers Association of Africa and the Scheinberg Relief Fund to raise the profile of Africa's rangers and showcase their important and diverse role in conservation.

Lion Landscapes

Overall Fundraiser Leaderboard