Conservation Lower Zambezi - Wildlife Ranger Challenge 2022

Conservation Lower Zambezi is taking part in the Wildlife Ranger Challenge to raise awareness of the role of 164 rangers working to protect Zambia's Lower Zambezi National Park ecosystem, and support an estimated 820 livelihoods.

Lower Zambezi National Park - Zambia

Amount Raised:

Target: $25,000
16 Donations

My story

Rangers are Africa’s unsung heroes. They don’t just fight poaching - they are conservationists, teachers, community support workers, leaders and much more.

The Wildlife Ranger Challenge, organised by Tusk and culminating on 17th September, celebrates their many roles, and is raising much-needed funds to support their work.

The Lower Zambezi National Park (LZNP) is home to a number of iconic species including lion, leopard, and buffalo, a variety of ungulates and over 400 bird species as well as other IUCN Red List species. Despite law enforcement efforts, poaching remains a major threat to wildlife in the region, as is the case across much of Zambia. The escarpment is an easy entry and exit point for poachers and encroachment has led to several communities moving into the north of the park. This makes the area an attractive target, both within Zambia and across the adjacent borders of Zimbabwe and Mozambique.

The WRC has brought international attention to conservation in Africa. In the LZNP and neighbouring Game Management Areas, this initiative has supported the work of rangers during a very difficult time. The WRC has also significantly improved morale within the team, encouraging a greater sense of pride and an emphasis towards health and fitness in the field.

Support from the WRC in 2022 will enable CLZ to conduct DNPW and Community Scout patrols as well as the continued operation of the two bases in the LZNP, Rapid Response Unit, Detection and Tracking Dog Unit and the Rufunsa Community Scout Unit.

Give today, and the Scheinberg Relief Fund will match every dollar donated, amplifying your impact. Follow campaign updates on social media with #ForWildlifeRangers

Push up challenge

Sep 6, 2022, 8:51:09 AM

Last week CLZ participated in the mini challenge to see how many push ups each ranger could do in two minutes. Check out the results and try to see how many you can do! Benson- 41 Masauso- 52 Edington- 64 Godwin- 45 Total: 202

Push up challenge

Introducing Team CLZ!

Sep 6, 2022, 8:51:09 AM

Introducing this year’s Tusk Wildlife Ranger Challenge team from Lower Zambezi National Park! These amazing rangers will join teams across Africa in a 21 km race carrying 22 kg of weight to raise awareness of the threats facing Africa’s wildlife and the vital role of rangers who stand between species and extinction. Join Masauso, Edington, Godfrey, and Benson on 17 September and run alongside these wildlife defenders! #ForWildlifeRangers

Introducing Team CLZ!

Lower Zambezi National Park - Conservation Lower Zambezi

Jul 13, 2022, 10:15:47 PM

Conservation Lower Zambezi (CLZ) is a non-governmental organisation committed to the conservation of wildlife and the environment in the Lower Zambezi, Zambia. CLZ was founded in 1994 to provide support to the national wildlife protection authority—The Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW), to mitigate threats to wildlife from poaching in the region. Over the years, CLZ has grown to focus on three main pillars of support: Wildlife Protection, Environmental Education and Community Empowerment and is actively working towards a vision of “A valued, protected and thriving Lower Zambezi Landscape.”

Lower Zambezi National Park - Conservation Lower Zambezi

Overall Fundraiser Leaderboard