Bongo Surveillance Project - Wildlife Ranger Challenge 2022

Bongo Surveillance Project is taking part in the Wildlife Ranger Challenge to raise awareness of the role of 18 rangers working to protect Kenya's Aberdare National Park & Maasai Mau Forest ecosystem, and support an estimated 160 livelihoods.

Aberdare National Park & Maasai Mau Forest - Kenya

Amount Raised:

Target: $10,000
0 Donations

My story

Rangers are Africa’s unsung heroes. They don’t just fight poaching - they are conservationists, teachers, community support workers, leaders and much more.

The Wildlife Ranger Challenge, organised by Tusk and culminating on 17th September, celebrates their many roles, and is raising much-needed funds to support their work.

The Bongo Surveillance Project rangers monitor the key habitats of the Bongo - Mau Complex, Aberdares, Eburru and Mt Kenya (Ragati). They monitor the Bongo, the forest and other wildlife using new technologies such as GPS, Camera traps and hand camera photographs. They are a critical source of data for the KWS Bongo Task Force.

With the WRC Funding, BSP Rangers have been able to return to their surveillance in the high Kenya forests, Aberdare, Mt Kenya, Mau and Eburu, identifying the illegal activities that are evolving, including timber and poaching activities. The support has also extended into the communities, for example funding community Ndorobo trackers. The purchase of rations, hardware and equipment has in turn supported the local suppliers and provided income to these families, through the BSP supply chain.

WRC support in 2022, will see the BSP Ranger continue with their surveillance work and also pay their salaries, rations, purchases of field gears (uniforms, trap cameras, batteries, rain coats, GPS gadgets, transport and tents). The funds will also facilitate meetings with rangers for communities and schools.

Give today, and the Scheinberg Relief Fund will match every dollar donated, amplifying your impact. Follow campaign updates on social media with #ForWildlifeRangers

Aberdare National Park & Maasai Mau Forest - Bongo Surveillance Project

Jul 15, 2022, 3:10:48 PM

The purpose of the Bongo Surveillance Project (BSP) organisation is to help secure a future for the world’s last remaining wild Mountain Bongo antelope (Tragelaphus eurycerus isaaci) and to protect the forests where they live. The Eastern or Mountain Bongo, is a flagship sub-species for Kenya’s remaining high forest ecosystems. It is on the critically endangered IUCN Red List, with home ranges up to 15km2, the bongo is an ideal “umbrella species”; saving the bongo can also help conserve Kenya’s montane forest ecosystem, whilst providing conservation outreach education programmes to the schools and communities adjacent to the bongo habitats. Image Credit: BSP

Aberdare National Park & Maasai Mau Forest - Bongo Surveillance Project

Overall Fundraiser Leaderboard